Presidential Debate: Time and Details - Mikayla Dyett

Presidential Debate: Time and Details

Date and Time of Presidential Debate: What Time Is The Presidential Debate

What time is the presidential debate – The upcoming presidential debate will take place on Wednesday, October 19, 2023.

When is the presidential debate? I wonder. It’s next week, and I can’t wait! Check out presidential debate next week for more information. I’m really interested to see what the candidates have to say. I hope they can answer my question: what time is the presidential debate?

The debate will begin at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (ET).

Location and Venue of Presidential Debate

What time is the presidential debate

The highly anticipated presidential debate will be held at the historic Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, located at 40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley, California, USA.

This prestigious venue, dedicated to the legacy of the 40th President of the United States, offers a fitting backdrop for the crucial debate. The museum complex encompasses an extensive collection of Reagan’s artifacts, documents, and interactive exhibits, providing a glimpse into his life and presidency.

Seating Capacity and Special Arrangements, What time is the presidential debate

The Reagan Library boasts a spacious auditorium with a seating capacity of approximately 1,000 attendees. To ensure a safe and comfortable environment, the venue has implemented strict security measures and accessibility accommodations for individuals with disabilities.

The auditorium is equipped with state-of-the-art lighting and sound systems to facilitate a clear and engaging debate experience for both the candidates and the audience. Designated areas for the press and media are also available within the venue.

Participants and Moderators of Presidential Debate

What time is the presidential debate
The upcoming presidential debate will feature a diverse group of candidates with a wide range of backgrounds and qualifications. Each candidate brings a unique perspective and set of policy proposals to the table, ensuring a lively and informative discussion.

Presidential Candidates

  • Candidate 1: A veteran politician with decades of experience in government, known for their strong leadership and commitment to fiscal responsibility.
  • Candidate 2: A rising star in the political arena, known for their progressive ideas and focus on social justice issues.
  • Candidate 3: A successful businessperson with no prior political experience, known for their outsider perspective and unconventional approach.


The debate will be moderated by an experienced journalist who is known for their impartiality and ability to facilitate a fair and informative discussion. The moderator will ensure that all candidates have an equal opportunity to present their views and engage in a respectful exchange of ideas.

The presidential debate is scheduled to begin at 9:00 PM EST. While you wait for the debate to start, you might want to check out the latest news on the upcoming NBA draft. The draft is scheduled to take place on June 23rd, and there are a lot of exciting prospects who could be selected.

To learn more about the draft, click here. After you’ve caught up on the NBA draft, be sure to tune in to the presidential debate to hear the candidates discuss the issues that are important to you.

The time of the presidential debate has been eagerly anticipated. If you’re specifically interested in the debate scheduled for Thursday, you can find the exact time by clicking here. This link provides up-to-date information on the timing of the presidential debate, ensuring you don’t miss out on this crucial event.

With the highly anticipated presidential debate just around the corner, political enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting its commencement. While we delve into the intricate world of politics, let’s take a moment to appreciate the captivating athleticism of Marina Mabrey , a rising star in the world of basketball.

Her exceptional skills and determination have left an indelible mark on the sport, much like the upcoming debate promises to shape the political landscape. As we return to the realm of the presidential debate, we can’t help but wonder what time it will commence, eagerly anticipating the clash of ideas and the potential impact it will have on our nation’s future.

With the upcoming presidential debate, one can’t help but wonder what time it will be held. It’s a crucial event that will shape the political landscape. Speaking of crucial events, have you heard about the Chicago Sky ? They’re making waves in the WNBA, proving that women’s basketball is just as exciting as the men’s.

But back to the debate, it’s an opportunity for the candidates to present their visions and policies. Don’t miss it!

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